I was inspired to do a quick clr job on Jeffy's fantastic piece. Not that it adds much, but I thought it'd be fun. Just for an FYI I put down a base tone of blue for the lady. Then applied a skin tone at 30% opacity and 20% flow so the blue would effect the skin tone, I did the same for the collar with white. I sampled the skin tone effected with blue with the eye dropper then used that as a basis for the lights and darks. Then used that to make lighter and darker tones of that hue. Then added yellow from the bg to the hair and to the white of the collar. It's very subtle but it effects it enough. It could do with a little more contrast on the face and some colour balance to bring out some more yellow tones in the skin, add some warmth to it and maybe a bit bluer in the shadows to bring out the coolness there. I may do it again tomorrow and go that extra bit :-) Man, it's such a great drawing, Jeff. ENCORE!
Influence of John lending me Rock 'n Rule! Which reminds me of my grade 9 Math teacher, Ms. Stone! *shudder* Don't know which version I like so I posted both.
A couple of doodles done when Adam and Jeff were up. The top one is Adam drawing done with Grease pencil, the bottom is a sketch I did with gray markers colourised in PS.
"Here's to drawings, doodles, paintings, pencils, pens, erasers, ink-stained hands, sable brushes, the smell of paper, inspired days, early morning ah-ha's and late night uh-huhh's, but most of all, here is to friends! Happy New Year! ", he said in a slurred voice!