having more insane fun with korean brush pen. the top is a sketch trying to find a style for my upcoming graphic novel to be released some time around 2043...
is the semi-autobiographical thing WAY overdone, or is it just me? too bad, it's all i know.
Hey, Margaret, brilliant stuff, I love it.
Those cats are great! I think, and Jeff will agree, we need to see some sequential stuff with those kats! :-)
Well, the semi-autobiographical thing is done quite a bit, but it's usually done REALLY REALLY BADLY. But you can bring out a good one!
thanks, John. you are so supportive!
if you're ever down here in the armpit of Canada, you can give us all a demo of how you do your amazing colour work.
A demo of my colour work!? HA!
HA I SAY! AND HA! Again.
Okay, sure...
You're very persuasive!
It's really easy actually. It just involves Photoshop, and a basic knowlege of the tools. I don't know if I'll get down there, but I'll do a tutorial thingy for you if you'd like?
Yeah those shitty auto-bio comix...like Persepolis, Epileptic, Blankets, Pyongyang and Fun Home! Crappy things.
i know i'll NEVER live up to those, Jeff, which is why i think i'd better steer away from the genre.
a tutorial sounds good, John. you have to remember that some of us are mere mortals when it comes to computer illustration. and don't forget that i'm so old that i used to have to write my essays by hand. home computers weren't invented...still, no excuse . i'm still making friends with our wacom tablet...it's a bit surly.
Well, Jeff, those books you mention are indeed excellent books. But there are MANY MANY more really BAD ones. The rather generic "I'm an artist, I'm ugly and nobody loves me and I'm crap with women/men"...you can't say they DON'T exist.
As for the illustration on computer. It really isn't that bad. It just takes some very rudimentary knowledge. I had no clue how to do this stuff a year ago. It's still pretty new to me.
If you have a wacom it'll be A LOT easier.
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