This was a b-day card for Lolly's cousin, Ben. I rushed it at the last minute, since the ink hand'nt time to dry on the rest and I made a balls of the wheel, so I drew attention to it by making it buckled wheel and bad me, I didn't look up any ref for a unicycle!
someone is yelling at her. i think it is her mean teacher. katie hates this creepers person i drew when i was very tired so i'm posting it for a laugh.
this is a rubbing of a drywall carving i did at a workshop yesterday. carving drywall can be fun but not profitable. posting this just cuz kate likes it. a tiny dude looking at a bird or staring into space, i'm not quite sure.
Just a quick upload before I go on holidays! Heading to Ontario for a week and a half with my Mom. Have not been "home" in 22 years. Should be surreal. :)